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The International Advisory Board for Academic Freedom (IAB) at Bar Ilan University, established last April to combat the Association of University Teachers-United Kingdom's resolution to boycott Bar-Ilan and Haifa Universities, warns that a silent boycott is already taking place between UK and Israeli academics.
The latest example of this silent boycott began last Friday, May 12, 2006, when Prof. Richard Seaford, an English professor from the University of Exeter, UK, was asked to review a book for the Israeli journal Scripta Classica Israelica. Dr. Daniela Dueck from the Department of Classical Studies at Bar-Ilan University, who serves as the book review editor corresponded with Prof. Seaford, and suggested that he review „The Invention of Coinage and the Monetization of Ancient Greece“, by Prof. D.M. Schaps, of Bar-Ilan University's Department of Classics. Dueck received the following response to her email:
Dear Daniela Dueck,
Alas I am unable to accept your kind invitation, for reasons that you may not like. I have, along with many other British academics, signed the academic boycott of Israel, in the face of the brutal and illegal expansionism, and the slow-motion ethnic cleansing, being practised by your government. There is of course nothing personal in this. I am aware of the honest arguments for and against a boycott, and that even some Israeli academics support the boycott and many do not. Whatever your views, I hope you will understand that my view is based on a widely shared moral outrage. You are welcome to report my position (if you wish) to anyone you may like to.
With best wishes,
Richard Seaford